Full Stack Web Developer and Designer from Canada

Experience in working with Front/Back-end software and designing websites.

Front-End Experience

The majority of my skills are in web developement, Initially web developement was the primary section of programming that fostered my interest in coding.
I have built website projects that use several coding languages and practices, these are some that I have implemented into my websites :

Back-End Experience

I also have experience with using back-end languages, mainly they were implemented to serve data to websites being executed on client devices, they followed the REST Api design principles and were deployed on a Virtual Private Server that utilizes Debian 10, the languages and packages I have used are :

Dev-ops Experience

The deployment and continuous integration of the Virtual Private Server was planned with the most relevent tools in mind and utilizes programs that I personally hand picked for their future forward capabilities.
The programs used in operating the Server have assisted in teaching myself about the inner workings of the linux operating system, some of those programs are :